Saturday 9 May 2009

The desire to get taller after puberty plagues millions of people world wide and so many think that it is a dream to far. The day dream that brings to mind a picture where they don't have to put up with the crap of being shorter than all around. Sorry to put it this way but it's true. So many people out there wrongly judge short people as not being capable of many tasks, or at least less capable, it's just a fact of life.

Even when our short friend does everyrthing he or she can, quite often overlooked and when our short friend does something out of the ordinary, people look on in shock as if what they have achieved is impossibility. Reactions like this, you would bet your last dollar that it helps our vertically challenged friend to boost his or hers self esteem, but very often it turns to anger. “Why can't I be able to achieve X”, they thinks. Reactions of amazement actually spark the dream to get taller, since nearly everyone wishes to be treated on a level peg. It’s one thing to be revered for a great achievement if you are not considered to have a handicap. But to be lauded for achieving something because you are considered to be at a disadvantage, especially since it is a handicap in the watchers eyes is bloody annoying.

Then there’s the other spark that fuels the get taller fire inside you. The jokes and nicknames that, many friends label us with. They look upon them as affectionate and personal when very often underneath you feel labelled and pigeon holed. But there is also the times when people who are not so friendly wade in with references . There's an old saying that goes sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me, that’s all well and good, but doesn’t hold water here. Jokes, Nicknames and name calling are very often powerful triggers for the brain. They can seem harmless but to you and me, they are a constant reminder of what we desperately want to escape.

Grow Taller

A lot of people would say, Lets get you thinking in a more positive manner! Let’s visualize, lets get the affirmations going, “everyday in everyway I get taller and taller….” So should we abandon our get taller quest? Shut the blinds, lock the door to our dreams and throw away the key.

Nope these very rarely work, there are some really clever tricks out there but in most cases self hypnosis, affirmations and the like are just temporary measures. Your trying to fool your brain into thinking alls well and your feeling like mighty mouse. But the mind is clever and says “ no way, your not at all, everything isn’t ok”….”If everything is ok why you trying so hard?”.

The only way to truly change is to actually set change. Get taller physically and it instantly does the lot on auto pilot. It stops your enemies and friends targeting what they believe are your handicaps and by the very nature of your progression fills you full of a new zest for life full of confidence.

What you don't believe physical change works best, well why when you are feeling like crap, go to the hair saloon, have a new hair cut and walkout feeling a million dollars. It’s because long lasting physical change, is a zillion times more powerful than any other self improvement technique out there. When you physically change for the better so does your whole life.

Get taller. Grow Taller. Find out how a 26 yr old grew from 5”7 to 5”11 and turned his life around.

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